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'Tekkie the Robot' - Character & Packaging Design

Character Design for Tekkie the Robot
'Tekkie' is a tech assistant robot for children and by drumming up his possible features like the computer fan which enables him to fly, it has informed me of his design. I have deliberately made him bulky to give off a sturdy and durable appearance and decided on the colour blue as I felt that this best represented technology. In keeping with his role as a tech assistant, I have given him a head set and cogs for eyes to resemble glasses. With the cogs being different sizes, it gives Tekkie a comical look, one that will appeal to children.  
Packaging Design Net
Through a series of prototypes made from card, I was able to refine the net with a tab lock system for the top and for the bottom, interlocking flaps that eliminate the need for an adhesive with glue being used only for a single tab that will be concealed. The artwork I came up with is based on Tekkie's upper body where the sides relate to eachother and the area designated for the fan is a large window into the contents of the carton. Since the packaging would have to be blue, I decided to have ‘blueprint’ drawings of Tekkie on the back which allowed me to advertise his features more discreetly and Instead of a paragraph describing Tekkie, I have gone for a table of information which is a common sight on blueprints. Mandatory details that I found through analysing examples of packaging, fit nicely in the bottom strip and adds a sense of authenticity. 
Sections Through the Packaging
In needing to work out the dimensions of the carton to comfortably fit the toy and its protective thermoformed tray I produced these section drawings. 
Mock Ups, 3D Visualisations and Card Model
'Tekkie the Robot' - Character & Packaging Design

'Tekkie the Robot' - Character & Packaging Design

Character and packaging design for 'Tekkie the Robot'
