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tenpawlak & co.

2013 - KTR nomination (Design)

Logo and the system of identification attached to it for creative agency tenpawlak & company. The purpose of the project was creating a sign which clearly shows and connects three main features: the ability of creating absorbing and itelligent brand communication, incredible copywriting abilities and latitude at new media. 

To create a logo we used a simple kind of a word/letter game, which rules are to complete missing signs. That was the base to build the language of advertising communication for the company. Additionally, we based the sign on the square to make it more similar to QR codes, used in mobile communication – the symbol of the most modern communication. 

The sign emphasizing modernity and communication abilities of the language used in marketing. Letters used in a smart way are attractive graphically as well as illustration or photography. 
tenpawlak & co.

tenpawlak & co.

2013 - KTR nomination (Design) Logo and the system of identification attached to it for creative agency tenpawlak & company. The purpose of the Read More
