Perfil de D P

Portal To Other Worlds

Portal To Other Worlds
A curation and study of target audience

This project was made to for Our Design systems class. We were designated a person to build a curated gallery for that applied to their personality, age social life and other important characteristics that make them who they are. Along with this we were assigned a theme that our curated gallery had to correspond with.

My target audience was a five year old girl that was interested in making and interacting with her art and who love's the outdoors. She liked gardening and animals like bunnies. My theme was fantasy/ adventure so I decided to go with a gallery that featured paintings of surrealist landscapes and creatures that would occupy these landscapes. By creating these worlds the girl viewing the art would be able to see exotic fauna and mind boggling creatures and piece together a story while viewing the art.

My project was a bit unorthodox based on most peers in my class because it was more about the story telling aspect and taking these paintings to create world building.

Olivia's  identifying personality Chart
Original concept Mood board

After finding our pieces and our gallery idea we were tasked to create a book featuring the art in order to be a gallery book showing off what the exhibition was about. This would target teens and adults that wanted to read more about the worlds I created with the Exhibition pieces.

We finished our books and used Lulu to format and print them out. The cover texture I used came out very nice and crisp. The book looks worn and old.
Supplement project

After finishing the book we went back to focusing more on the exhibition and how we could get our target audience to be able to interact with the art in new ways.

I created an app that would be pulled up through QR codes you could scan at the end of your visit to the exhibition. The app would let you pick a background that were the paintings that were featured in the exhibition itself  and give you the freedom to create your own world by dragging creatures and fauna featured in the paintings into the background you chose to create your own composition.

App flow concept
Final App
Portal To Other Worlds


Portal To Other Worlds
