D P's profile

Let Me Weigh In On Things

Let Me Weigh in On Things
a zine on body positivity

Concept and iteration
The Implicit Association test is a benchmark test that is controversial through the subjects your being tested on. through its multiple round tests you can discover what implicit bias you have or don't have against subjects like race, politics. weight and body positivity among other things. I took the weight test since I have struggled with weight for most of my life and have experienced harassments from bullies throughout my schooling. 

I was shocked to discover that I had a bias forwards being overweight. It wasn't a crazy high number but enough to make me analyze myself. I decided to make a zine that had to do with my personal story and how i could feel comfortable with my own body in the process.

In total I gave out around thirteen zines throughout campus and have another featured in the zine collection at King Library at Miami University, Oxford.

Imagery and assets created
Let Me Weigh In On Things

Let Me Weigh In On Things
