Guenter Zimmermann's profile

Artificial ingredients. Digital paintings
Artificial ingredients. Digital paintings
Metropolis: She grew up in the country, but studied in the city. After a year, she felt the need to return to the countryside.
Sea: The journey  took her through many countries and over seas.
Jungle: You can find scattered villages in this rural area. The habitat provides sustenance for the people and animals that will live there.
Cabin: The severance from her old life was hard for her. Now she was an adept of a secret cult of nature.
Cabin 2: Biological sensors monitors the temperature in the room. It is important to stick to the rules.
Confernce Hall: The heat wore down the community. People did not recognize the warnings of nature.
The ill-fated trip ended in disaster. The insects played an essential role.
Wasteland: The group split and she explored the forest alone. She quickly recovered after her ailment. Everybody wished her good luck.
Artificial ingredients. Digital paintings

Artificial ingredients. Digital paintings
