The WanderingSoul profili

A Hut In The Mountains (Two Days on Location)

A Hut In The Mountains
[Two Days on Location, 2020]
A Place For The Night, Not Far From My Own
Am Abend tritt plötzlich ein großer Hirsch aus der Dämmerung hervor. Nur wenige Schritte neben meinem eigenen Platz für die Nacht lässt er sich nieder und ruft dann und wann in die Dunkelheit hinein. Ich bin sprachlos, und fasziniert von Anmut und Schönheit. Schließlich lächle ich, und stelle mir vor, dass diese rauen Laute Erkennungsrufe sind. So als würden sie, diese stolzen Geschöpfe, in diese karge Weite hineinrufen nur um die anderen darin wissen zu lassen, dass sie mitnichten allein darin sind – und damit alles andere als einsam. Und das ist, gleich ob es nun stimmt oder nicht, wunderschön.

Sometimes, if I have the chance and like a place just enough, I use to stay a few days on location. I wait at least for the perfect light, and sometimes, even when already capturing a few photographs, even longer. In between, I see those people come and go. Some go on hikes, some other do photography as well, but the most stay just for a few minutes. I always liked the different approach, and wait for possible shots apart from only sunrise, and sunset. I still think it is not about how many places one has seen, but more about the way you have seen. At this particular place, I saw daylight come and go, rainfalls, and some wildlife luckily enough as well. I remember well watching the game disappearing into the mountains in the early daylight. They were not alone.


A Hut In The Mountains
Pt. I (2020) | Pt. II (2022)
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A Hut In The Mountains (Two Days on Location)
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A Hut In The Mountains (Two Days on Location)

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