115g of Happiness

115g of Happiness
Coffee for our clients & friends
2020 was different in many ways, for most of us it was unfortunate and pretty tiring. Let's break this charm for this year, shall we?

Tough times make us forget what makes us happy in everyday life, that brought us closer to those things – for us it's a cup of hot, delicious and freshly ground black coffee in the morning.

We turned our small delight into inspiration to remind our business partners and friends to look for them in their day-to-day life.

We have compiled a list of things that each of us needs and often forget about them. That's how we've defined the composition of happiness. We determined the proportions of these components and gave them a shape.

That's how "115 g of Happiness" was created — in the form of coffee beans, packed in a velvet can, wrapped in a sensual tissue paper.

The label design reflects the proportions of the subsequent components, and the colors evoke beautiful associations. In the focal point, there is an element that abstractly represents a wonderful feeling that will not hurt anyone but will be useful to everyone - happiness.

Come on, let's be honest, is it not getting any better when you look at it?

The gift was distributed in violet blotting paper wrapping. We used it as our wish card. We won't bother you with the exact content but, trust us, it is deeply touching.

We see coffee not only as our beloved hot drink but as 
a generation gap filler.

In our culture, drinking coffee was always a ritual. Worshipped, despite the really bad quality of beans. You would see your grandparents drinking brewed coffee with artificial cream added on top while eating the sweetest cake along. 

This phenom evolved into a trend among older people to send online postcards with rather disgusting pictures presenting filled coffee cups and texts like "have a tasty one". Younger people joined along and, using it as a meme, share the same words on daily basis.

Maybe coffee is a queen, but here in Poland, the true king is beer. That inspired us to pack our gift into a can. By doing that we created beautiful marriage between the two hottest lovers.
Besides, coffee beans closed in an aluminum can make the sweetest noise you can imagine.

Our streets are filthy, especially during winter. We wanted to create as beautiful and colorful packaging as possible, so that it would become the most attractive piece of junk. 
Look at it, even after crushing and throwing it away, it looks like art.

So cheers to all of you out there! We wish you as good 2021 as it can be (and remember it mostly depends on you and your attitude). Be happy, have fun, take your time, meet true friends, get some air and tan, eat well and drink your fav beverage with a smile on your faces!

Concept & design by Blürbstudio
Photography by Matt Wojnar


115g of Happiness