This is Odd

To reinforce the theory's message, we added a second layer of communication to the narrative's meditative tone and included a drop of action. A majestic penguin slides down the iceberg and jumps into the deep blue ocean, guiding the viewer to see underwater and value the importance of the iceberg’s bulk. 

Aiming to enhance the splendid beauty of nature using a smooth and pleasant colour palette along with a very pictorial style which included neat, synthetic shapes and also different textures to give the graphics a painting feeling. 

We conceived a loop animation with a truly calmed, temperate pace according to the thoughtful overall mood of the story. Sound was a key element in the video to emphasize the sense of serenity and placidness by playing natural sounds such as the breeze, the seawaves or the penguin’s soft squawk.
The Iceberg Theory, also called “Theory of Omission”, upholds that the more intense, crucial, significant information of a story is the non-visible, omitted one. Narrative’s greater symbolisms and stronger complexities always operate under the surface, leaving only the most anecdotal, brief and light description of them sighted above water. 

The marketing consultancy This Is Odd appropriated this theory to convey their main principles and approached us to create a short poetic video to visually illustrate this idea. 

Considering it as a highly iconic symbol, we decided to literally portray the iceberg silhouette surrounding it by a magical, pure, quiet atmosphere. Placed in the main center of the composition, the iceberg is present throughout the video in a unique, contemplative wide shot. Such suggestive and peaceful visual-harmony directly hinted at This Is Odd’s working values, as careful observation and in-depth analysis.


Directed and Produced by Device

This is Odd

Creative Direction
Pol Solà

Eudald Salarich & Gianluca Patti

Cel Animation
Juan Huarte & Gianluca Patti

Juan Huarte & Gianluca Patti

Pol Solà

Music & Sound Design
Raül Peix

This is Odd

This is Odd
