Micromodulo - the "escape" module
off the grid custom housing. 6x6 m
Running away from your electricity bills has never been easier.This project is a personal project.
The Eco Modules define my personal vision regarding going off the grid,i was inspired by Buckminster Fuller other than Jacques fresco's vision.
the system is a 30 square meter modular system.The dome is built using 8 components(plus a rubber diafram if needed)connected through very minimal and strong constant load junctions.the components are 6 main panels,a arch key and a cap.The cap can be a mini eolic system or a single simple sphere cap completing the arch key.
Reason why i chose the dome shape was due to structural means.A dome is a revolving arch,so on it can resist to strong mechanilcal strain,infact the eolic system was positioned in the arch key in order to lock and be locked even during stong winds.
why should we be living in a dome?Our brains are in domes Jacques Fresco replied to the journalist's question.He was right and the reply was not so obvious.
the dome is the prefect structure,starting from the igloo arriving to gigantic geodesic city covers designed by Bucky Fuller.
This is far more than a high end industrial design,this is social engineering with implied ethics.Here the inhabitants may grasp freedom becoming both sustainable consumers and producers.Here nothing is disposable,not even feces,since they represent the key to fertilizer production in a envirolet(environmental toilet with no useless flush wasting idrinkable water.This may be the real big escape,diverting forced consumerism to pure production and self sustainment.
electricity is granted by the eolics or by photovoltaic panels(in combo this assures far more electricity than needed and in all weather conditions),water is granted by a mushroom-like water collection system with filter incorporated.
Depending on the needs of the runner-escaper,the modular system comes really useful,everyday workers coulld decide even to remain on the grid by just buying electricity from their neighbour or the local electricity company and/or eventually augment thier production by adding a new production panel ,while others may want to stop everything and run free from bills avoiding to chase payments in order to fulfill them.
i designed a geodesic cell system in order to achieve a third level integration photovoltaics.Insulation is granted by a 10 cm layered wafer of high density and low density biofoam with encapsulated air in between(dry air is the strongest insulant in nature).Such wafer transforms the capsule in a passive house,white reflective finish avoids overheating during the summer deflecting rays(total whiteism is imminent in our everyday life and integration in nature).
This system is a transfert from personal aerospace studies,such panel system can be used for space and it's modularity defines it's capacity to grow nearly infinitely,passing from Micromodulo to Macromodulo with the addition of a cylindrical component to the semispherics.


off the grid modular living system
