- IZMA -'s profile

Twitter Header

For the longest time, I was adamant that I wouldn't be bothering to make a Twitter header, I just didn't see why it was nessessary. Skip foward to recent months, where all I seem to do is head hunt new artists, influences and companies to work for, and everyone was doing it! not only were they doing it but some were absolutley fantastic. 
So I slunk off with my tail between my legs and endvoured to make myself a swanky new header.
Well bugger me, a skull? from Iwazaru-Marionette?, breaking new ground here lads. To hell with it though, ill stop drawing them when they stop being so damn fun to work with!
So here we are, the final product, looks a bit bare with out the other twitter features layed over it but it works for what i needed it for, you can see it on my Twitter at @iwazaru91
Also there is a work in progress animation in the form of a GIF over on my Tumblr, Behance threw another wobbly when I tried to put it here so here is a link to it: http://iwazaru-marionette.tumblr.com/image/37993667660
Twitter Header

Twitter Header

My personal Twitter header
