Im a little behind on updating my Behance so heres some new stuff to look at. This and the Iron Maiden were both entires for the May 2013 Advertees contest.
The whole concept for this pretty much came from how Iwazaru "Not-Another-Fucking-Skull" Marionette starts any sketch. My favourite things to draw are people and skulls, so when i sit down to warm up thats often where I start off from. This just built up from there, taking a little bit of reference from Flemming from the game Shadows of the Damned.
After taking the design further, and crossing it once more with the whole conjoined thing I love doing. I ended up with this.
With the final sketch I move onto my favourite part of any work. I absolutley love line work.
When I ink anything I usually do a first pass like this, with a single line weight throughout and very little detail. I use this as a framework to move forward from.
And heres my final ink pass complete with fills, a font (Once again, Courtesy of Legacy of Defeat) and some dot shading to set it off from the background.
Now, something I had never designed for, or had even taken into account is working on a white background rather than a black one, and it does change the way an image works quite considerably (For me atleast) on a black shirt the line art doesnt count as a layer as the black of the shirt has got you covered for that, meaning you have an extra layer to play around with, however you dont have that with a white shirt. 
Its fine enough to just work around having your line art sit as another layer but for me I thought that black line work was too harsh sitting against the white and the colours of the design so I decided to whack a colour hold over it and soften the overall look of it.
To go with the purple colour scheme I added all this neon green dripping goodness. Still to this day purple and green is my favourite colour combination, I love the way they sit together.
After finishing drawing up all the blood, as standard for setting up work for screen printing I bitmapped it up to create a black layer for the printer, I just loved the way that it looks with the blood on its own looks like a circulatory system or something!
Here is the final design! As always I like to throw up a myriad of different colour variants and see what people prefer! I think my favourites are the blue and white one and the grey and white one, they conveniently cut out another colour layer for me keeping the price down!
Heres the original design mocked up on a shirt.
Skull Totem

Skull Totem

A shirt I designed for Advertee's May 2013 Contest
