Steven Jockisch's profile

Poster Offensive Posters

Poster Offensive 1, 2 & 4
Poster Offensive is a political poster art show promoting peace and democracy. Artists, Art Directors and Designers from across the country are invited to participate in this yearly event organized by Spunk Design Machine and held at the Frank Stone Gallery in Minneapolis, MN. Previous participants include Aesthetic Apparatus, Anchalee Chambundabongse, Mike Cina, Chank Diesel, Eight Hour Day, Jon Forss, Jeff Johnson, Sarah Nelson and Sharon Werner, just to name a few.

Posters 1 & 2 were featured in Graphis' 2005 Poster Annual.

Date: Fall 2008, Fall 2005, Winter 2004
Client: Spunk Design Machine
Creative Direction: Jeff Johnson
Copy Writing: Ben Pagel
Poster Offensive Posters

Poster Offensive Posters

Poster Offensive Posters 1,2 & 4
