Bart Cleveland's profile

Integrated Campaigns

Examples of integrated campaigns of traditional media, digital and experiential work.

Taos Ski Valley is the only Alpine Class American ski resort. Unlike other mega-resorts, people don't come to Taos for the glitz or glamor. They come to connect with the mountain and to reconnect with their spirits. “The Purification” was an integration promotion using traditional media, social media, experiential tactics to enlist the help of the Taos loyalist skier while attracting purists to a unique mountain in North America.
Dion’s Pizza
Dion’s is a pizza restaurant chain in New Mexico and Texas that had sustained successful growth until recently. To continue to grow, they realized they needed a story that connected with people that were unfamiliar with what makes Dion's special. After launching this campaign, they're growing better than ever.

Buying window blinds at a big retail store indicates that you have to deal with someone who knows a little about everything and a lot about nothing. In other words, a Jack-of-all-trades. This campaign gives the customer's point of view in showing why they prefer to use the experts at
James Hardie Siding
When James Hardie introduced fiber cement siding to the US market, builders resisted using it because of installation and training costs. Viewing siding as a commodity, suppliers refused to buy James Hardie without discounts. Focusing brand messaging on consumers, dramatically increased demand and changed builders and suppliers mind. In a few short years, this “pull-through” strategy catapulted James Hardie to one of the top three home-related brands. Sales grew from 150 million board feet to 1.8 billion board feet.​
James Hardie Siding
Headline: Email has replaced letters. TV has replaced conversation. But there will never be a replacement for home.
Wilderness Athlete
Wilderness Athlete formulates nutritional supplements especially for outdoor athletes such as hunters, hikers, and rock climbers. These are people who want to go beyond where most dares go and stay there longer. As an inspiration to push them even further, to a place Wilderness Athlete calls “The Far Out” – where there is no telling what you will see.
Wilderness Athlete

Until a child is sick, a parent pays little attention upon which hospital they should rely. St. Louis Children's Hospital is a world leader in children's medicine. With one word this campaign shares why sick children from all over the world come to St. Louis Children's Hospital: knowing.
St. Louis Children's Hospital
New Mexico Department of Health – Tabacco Use Prevention
“Caught-betweens” describes young teens caught between the decision to smoke or not to smoke. The New Mexico Department of Health needed to show these teens you could be a non-smoker and still be hip. We called it “Showing Your No.” Teens made unique music videos at, shared them via social media and competed for votes from friends. Thousands of videos and votes later, local radio stations gave away iPads as grand prizes. Research showed that over 90 percent of the target audience had an unaided awareness of the campaign's health message.
Tobacco Prevention Case Study

Presbyterian Health Services
Presbyterian, the largest health services company in New Mexico, possesses a history of altruism. The company built this heritage on a dedication to helping people, rather than selling health services. Five-second TV spots introduced ordinary scenes of life with a special symbol for the company's mantra "feel better." Street teams did “good deeds.” Traditional advertising shared real stories of patients and employees. Eleven months after the launch, a Best Service survey indicated a dramatically superior perception of Presbyterian to all competitors.
Integrated Campaigns

Integrated Campaigns

Today, advertising is a matrix of communication. The ability to share a single brand message across all platforms is critical to success.
