Oscar Anibal Pozuelos's profile

IED kids - creativity from a kid's perspective

IED kids
creativity from a kid's perspective
client: IED MADRID

As part of their educational activities, IED Madrid wanted to expand their offering by implementing workshops aimed at children. The campaign needed to be understood by children as well as appealing to parents in order for them to enlist their children to the program. A logo, communication posters and protective apron needed to be developed.

The logo is based on the idea that creativity is something that can be built upon and shaped through the years; hence I used the building blocks to construct the name of the brand IED Kids.

For the communication pieces, I based myself on the idea of how kids use their imagination giving everyday objects a whole new meaning when they play. I used cultural references such as the popular spanish game chapas, in which bottle caps and chickpeas are used to play soccer games, or how a telephone can be constructed using a plastic cup and a string. The use of the word IEDEAS makes reference on how IED would teach creativity to children.

The protective apron used the idea of the logo. Velcro letters can be used to build phrases on the front part, making it another creative object that kids can use to express themselves.
IED kids - creativity from a kid's perspective

IED kids - creativity from a kid's perspective

Based on the idea that creativity is something that can be built upon and shaped through the years, the project tires to convey the idea of how k Read More
