Hey,hey! It's been a while... :)

Here is the quick "making of" anim about Cavius Maximus:
A little background story for the image:
Last year we went out for a northern Italy tour, with Roxy and this year we visited Rome. (we still have to do our southern Italy tour :) ) Rome is amazing, you ever been there you know. In one of the churches i saw an extremely beautifuly wooden sculpture ( well... maybe not sculpture, but just call it that way.) anyway, my mind/vision started to roll and i had enough inspiration to do something different besides my daily work and my Starcraft fan movie. Liz took away my energy till the end of october :/
So i had the plans, but i didn't make any concepts, all i wanted is to create something huge and monumental. The rest was blurry. I never thought that i will make a whole city with this incredible amount of... stuff. ( just the usual :D )

You can check out the 6K image, it is way better than the HD.
This time i decided, to skip the loooooooooong tutorial, (well at least on my behance page ;) ), but if you are interested about the detailed version, don't hesitate: check it out on my blog:
But here is a screenshot from the final layout, nice huh? Instances...instances everywhere :)
Future plans: i'll create a 360° VR animation in 4K ( this willl be FUN)

Well that's it for now, time to get back to my other projects. The Starcraft anim will be ready.. huhhh good question... in 2016 something, something :D But another 3d painting is in developement stage, it will be ready in september (that is for sure!)

Thanx & cheers:
Cavius Maximus

Cavius Maximus

All i wanted to create something huge and monumental. The rest was blurry. I never thought that i will make a whole city with this incredible amo Read More
