Navigating through different corners of society and their associated expectations; a game of city life. Who is hunting and who gets hunted, and what can you find behind the thin veils of social acceptance? 
The idea for this series started during one of my stays in Berlin, where (to me) there seems to be a much larger public diversity in people’s attitudes. But at the same time, a society is still governed by the same rules of human behavior. The question is: how much of that is one willing to see?
BLN/Nights can be seen as concept art for an adventure-like game that deals with these themes and was first displayed at the group show 'Mediums of the Modern City' at Neurotitan. I had preferred to screen them on huge touchscreens, but alas, my budget wouldn't allow for that. Duel and Famine were printed on high-gloss photopaper, which beautifully displayed the aliased imagery in pixel perfect quality, to keep in line with their inherent digital nature.

Bigger images on my blog (click click click!).

Duel (+ details)
Famine (+ details)
Hunters (+ details)
Looking (+ details)
Shrine (+ details)


Concept art for an adventure-like game dealing with social acceptance and expectations.
