The inked outline of the piece, ~5 hrs
About 20 hours in as of this point, and beginning to layer the face. It's always fun watching the parts of the picture emerge from the whiteness!
Unfortunately this is when I started photographing the piece again, about 80 hours into the piece now. As you can see, quite a bit has developed since the last image, and the helmet is starting to take shape!
With the right side all painted in, and all the values built, decide to throw down the background. It's a hybrid mixture, consisting of 40% gouache, the rest watercolor. The semi opaqu of the background really brings the translucncy of the watercolor to life! About 120 hours into the piece now.
The piece here is done, some 150 hours later! Lots of time and effort went into making the piece, but the response from Vets / those who suffer from PTSD made it worth the while! 
"(De)Facing PTSD" / watercolor / 16''x20'' / ~150 hours
Detail of the piece, showing off the name tag. The soldier's name is 'Ayudar' meaning 'to help' in spanish. PTSD is seen as a weakness in the military, and asking for help is like speaking a foreign language. I painted this piece to give troops who suffer something to connect to, and hopefully help them and their struggles. A war in a foreign country is rough, but a war inside your own head is hell. 
(De)Facing PTSD

(De)Facing PTSD

The piece plays off of the emotional toll PTSD has, and how many in uniform wear a mask to shield their feelings, and hide their vulnerability. T Read More


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