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{一百五十厘米 x 一百一十厘米} 美术馆周边


这是山中天美术馆联合艺术家张宇飞一同开发的特别艺术项目{一百五十厘米 X 一百一十厘米}。项目以《悲情鸡2》的画面尺幅命名。其中X不是乘号,而是字母X,代表事物的未知,项目参与者的未知。







Under the topic of “hurtfulness”, Artist Zhang Yufei brings the audience to “sabotage” the limited edition of Fakeface doll through the process of sewing and pircing. Base on “hurtfulness” and Yufei’s pass work, we choose to elaborate the merchandise in the form of calendar, brooches and earrings. We hope that the action of using these objects could somehow reflect the process of creating the Fakeface doll. In our eyes, the action of wearing earrings means the sabotage of the skin; brooches live on and decorate garments, yet inevitably damage the fabric; the calendar one tears is a ceremony for a day that had past. These points might not be the part of the merch that the audience would draw eyes for, but they inherited in the product itself. 
Most of art merchandise development are strictly based on the narrative of the artist and art work. However in this collaboration, as designers, we tried to develop a parallel narrative and let the artist and designers step out from the default mode of creating and take lead in each of their own field. The artist gives designers more space to recreate by sharing the narrative of the art work, which means the recreation of the art work are not longer limited by the artist’s narrative. The outcome of this process may lead to a different place than where the artist and art work originated from. But that is also anther level of sabotage of the art work, and an on-point “hurtfulness” for the artist.
{一百五十厘米 x 一百一十厘米} 美术馆周边

{一百五十厘米 x 一百一十厘米} 美术馆周边
