Side by Side's profile

Sheffield Hallam Students' Union

Sheffield Hallam approached us to see if we’d like to rebrand their Students’ Union. Did we want to see our logo on dance floors, hoodies, burger wrappers and Wine & Cheese eating societies?
Hells yeah.
After a vast amount of thinking, sketching and testing we landed on a lovely little monogram that combined the S, H, S, U perfectly. It was original, usable and fit to adorn Sheffield’s giant tea kettles.
Following a successful launch to over 100 key stakeholders, we then helped the Union promote its biggest calendar date – the Student Elections.
With past voting turnouts slipping, we took a bold approach to the marketing that tackled the problems head on.

We flipped the typical responses to not voting on their head, by simply blanking out a couple of letters and following up the statements with concrete facts on how voting has made a real difference.
The graphics were clean, impactful and mature – something that was appreciated by students used to playful college illustrations and rainbow colour schemes.
The result was an increase in voters, a powerful campaign and a strong path for the new brand.
Sheffield Hallam Students' Union

Sheffield Hallam Students' Union

We were asked to help turn the winning entry of a student competition into a more commercially viable logo for Hallam Students’ Union. We worked Read More
