翁 慧齡s profil

【展覽】2016 老頑童歷險記-劉其偉的奇幻旅程




Life is a venture into the unknown journey, starting from the very beginning of birth. Though we have no idea of how long the journey is, we are able to enrich life as much as we want. Only if we conscientiously face all flavors of life in our journey, putting aside all suspicion and scruple, advancing bravely and surmounting ourselves continuously, we then can shine with a dazzling light in our life. 

The exhibition of Adventures of Old Urchin – The Fantastic Journey of Max Liu truthfully displays the brilliant achievement of Max Liu’s exploration and painting. Unfolding the adventurous map of the old urchin, let us set sail from his Dreamy Harbor and follow each footstep to pursue his dream in the vast world; to discover his love and care for nature and animals in his Animal Grassland; to relish the subtle difference of seasonal progressive changes through his Timing Paradise; to perceive the affective feeling correlative with mother and child in his Parent-Child Village; to listen to Po Yu bird twittering his yearning for grandmom at his Po Yu Forest; to find it surprisingly filled with marvelous treasures of Max Liu’s adventure in his Primitive Tribe. 

Max Liu competently and successfully played many roles in his splendid life. Appearing as a nearly almighty person, he broke through the life limitation of single role and wrote down wonderful venturing stories with his rich life experience. By way of his paintings, cultural articles, books and films, the exhibition allows us to get into the amazing exploration world of Max Liu to go through his personality of generosity, sincerity and humor as well as his attitude toward life and society. Po Yu Bird, Ki Ki, is going to be your company for this fantastic adventure.

Are you ready to go? 

藝術家介紹Introduction to Artist​​​​​​​




Max Liu, an old urchin in the painting circles, is respected as Lord Liu. 

He began the world exploration in 1912 and was involved with different fields across technology, art and anthropology in nighty-one years of adventurous time. Engineering was his own occupation, but that did not make him felt easy under the heavy burden of life. For him, teaching was more enjoyable with the satisfaction and accomplishment of devotion, which also develop the temper personality for him. Painting for him was a spiritual commitment, releasing his depression, whereas anthropology was an interest with his most ardor.

Adhering to the affection for modern paintings, Lord Liu commenced his study from primitive art and therefore stepped into the explorative field of anthropology. He assembled dribs and drabs of his investigation into books, from which he absorbed nourish for his painting to develop a free and broad world of creation with prolific publications and works in his life. 
導覽手冊:整體主視覺以探險藏寶圖為發想,結合所有展覽重要資訊(展覽期間、展覽地點、開幕茶會、畫家生平 等)。並希望吸引更多親子家庭參觀,手冊內也設計互動探索集章活動和有獎徵答,以期觀眾參觀完展覽後能達到寓教於樂的教育推廣理念。
以藏寶圖的概念,將整個展區依照作品時期和特質區分為: 〈夢想碼頭〉、〈 動物草原〉、〈時序樂園〉、〈親子村〉、〈婆憂森林〉和〈原始部落〉。

【展覽】2016 老頑童歷險記-劉其偉的奇幻旅程

【展覽】2016 老頑童歷險記-劉其偉的奇幻旅程
