TED Global 2011 Conference Book
Type and Editorial Project
For this brief, I had to design a conference book for the upcoming TED Global lectures taking place in Falmouth. I was given the transcript text and it was up to me how i designed the book and layout. For the project i also had to take my own photography for the book - and these will serve a basis or theme for the typographic side of the project.

The brief required me to design a poster for the event - considering grids, type, layout, colour etc. I came up with 3 final pieces and chose 1 to keep in my portfolio (which can be seen below)

The photography brief was to collect a minimum of 10 images all based around the phrase, 'Ideas worth spreading' - my solution was to use post it notes to symbolize the 'idea' and have them spreading across the work environment and even over people - taking over their lives. Some people felt that these post-its were a pain, others embraced them - or the 'ideas'.
With the main typographic and editorial section of the brief I wanted to keep a similar playfulness with the layout and text to go with the photography, as well as the design of the book to suit the professional audience the TED lectures have.

I researched a range of typefaces and ways other designers have implemented them. I also looked at type grids and how important they are to keep the book spreads consistent and highly polished throughout the book.

With all these considered, i draw up some ideas - then developed them further until i had the finished, highly polished layout. I then made a bound book mock up - including the playful die cut cover and playful post it quotes on the top of each spread.
TED Global 2011 - Conference Book

TED Global 2011 - Conference Book

Type and Editorial Design project - TED Global 2011
