Margarita Yerastova's profile

Various Engineering Graphics

Various engineering graphics for proposal submittals for projects.
78x36 Presentation Board for a Design-Build submittal for a new interchange.
Presentation Board with a main focus of showing Panther and Gopher Tortoise habit along with Wetlands.
Presentation Board for Treasure Island done like a pirate map for fun.
Graphic attempting to show infeasibility of the DOT desiring to make the bikeway go under the railroad bridge via two undesirable options.
Unique approach to creating a visually-striking timeline graphic.
Oblique timeline illustrating the progression sequence of paving a roadway.
Construction Haul Route graphic, using Photoshop and Illustrator.
Construction sequence graphic.
Extreme 3D typical section showing different types of MSE walls.
Example of a 11x17 foldout spread showcasing an interchange profile.
Illustration of Side-mounted tractor mowers being able to fully cover desired area.
Typical section graphic with Sound Barrier Wall and Overhead Transmission Lines.
Typical section graphic showing traffic lanes, bike lanes, and sidewalk facilities.
Typical section with bridge.
More extreme 3D type of typical section.
Graphic showing barrier walls separating traffic from future expansion.
Overhead Toll Gantry graphic.
Land planning siteplan work.
Example of a 11x17 foldout spread done in InDesign with landscaping detail drawn in Illustrator.
Site plan rendering of a private school.
Line of vision graphic showing that the DOT's (in red) design will block distressed vehicles pulled onto the shoulder from oncoming traffic versus our firm's design (in green) has the MSE support walls pushed back to allow vision.
Realistic digital editing of image to show traffic backing up.
Noise wall detail rendering laid out on top of existing roadway photo.
Dixie Flyover rendering. Was featured on the front page of the Florida Department of Transportation's website for a few weeks.
Showing proximity to airport and height restrictions.
Bridge diagram.
Various Engineering Graphics

Various Engineering Graphics

Examples of various graphics done for an engineering firm that specializes in transportation engineering as well as municipal/civil and survey.
