Where AGDA Junior Council
Illustrator Liana Lewis
Designers Maddy De-Sanctis, Josie Young

The AGDA Junior Council run a number of events focussed on helping up-and-coming creatives in finding their feet, gaining confidence and making those
first crucial steps in their careers. In 2018, a new event was added to the mix: Dames & Dumplings.

In one of our meetings the question came up: ‘how can we better support young women in our industry?’ In response, the event we created gave young women entering the industry the chance to mix and mingle with like-minded dames and a number of established creative women in the industry (while eating dumplings). The panel of guest dames engaged in a session of debates and discussions around the topic of confidence. 

Dames & Dumplings
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Dames & Dumplings

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