Profilo di Edwin Poh

The Christmas White Elephant

PayPal’s Christmas White Elephant
No one’s dreaming of a white elephant

All merchants want to have jingling cash registers especially during the Christmas shopping season, and PayPal was no different. They looked to us to create a proposal encouraging users to use PayPal to buy gifts online.

To stand out from the clutter of Christmas campaigns that pop up every year, we needed something fresh and different. And with a simple but relevant insight that we always receive at least a gift or two that we won’t ever use, we simply visualised our insight and made it part of our campaign.

No one ever dreams of having a ‘white elephant’ (something that is of no use) around at home, and with PayPal as the enabler, white elephants are now a thing of the past. We provided users with available products found online that could be added to their wish-list. By selecting the gifts they wanted to receive for Christmas, the white elephants were ‘coloured in’ with images selected. Easily, this wish-list could then be shared on Facebook and sent as eDMs to the user’s friends, to give them a hint of what he or she really wanted for Christmas.
The Christmas White Elephant

The Christmas White Elephant

Christmas campaign that gives users only the gifts they want to receive
