Profiel van Stephen Willis

Op-Art Illustrations


Personal Project​​​​​​​


As a child, used to draw these by hand for fun. I've always been interested in Optical Illusions (Op Art), but to draw them traditionally was tricky and time-consuming.
When I was learning Adobe Illustrator, I was excited to learn of the tools and features that would allow me to create work like that efficiently and cleanly.

This illustation uses the principl of line a fixed distance away from a point, rotation around that axis. I adore the visual distortion effect.
I experimented by applying a texture onto the linework as a clipping mask. I prefer without the texture.
Inspired by some promotional materials in a supermarket, I wanted to explore using gradients in this way. I find it interesting that the illusion has changed shaped. It is also interesting how the "event horizon" has also changed.

Personal Project​​​​​​​


This design was heavily inspired by a piece of art I saw at Tate Liverpool. I'm very pleased with the effect on a cushion.
Concentric circles
Infinate shell
Op-Art Illustrations


Op-Art Illustrations

A selection of illustrations inspired by Op-Art
