"I love you mom" is social media campaign on Mother's day
created for Beko home appliances

Beko is a prominent Turkish appliance and consumer electronics brand. Shaker Group is a distributor in Saudi Arabia.
On mother's day.

Shaker Group offered a free coffee machine with every purchase of any Beko (laundry machine, refrigerator, and stove); then, the buyer enters the draws-on and gets the chance to win a diamond necklace as a gift for their mother.
Although, initially, the client wanted the entire offer to promote via online post. Conversely, I suggested making it an online campaign with different executions combined with online activation.
The goal was to make the idea of the offer clear and grab customers' attention, besides stimulating the social media pages with an exciting activation.

Phase one: making three executions for Beko (laundry machine, refrigerator, and stove) with the main offer; purchase any of them and get a free coffee machine.
Phase Two: execute an activation announcement to enter the draw-on and get a chance to win a diamond-neckless you have to share a video of you using the Turkish coffee machine on social media with the hashtag.

These are actual samples of how the activation went through Instagram.
I love you mom

I love you mom

Social media campaign on Mother's day created for Beko home appliances.
