
Developed to support an annual corporate fundraising effort for a national non-profit agency, this creative had the challenge to serve multiple purposes. Over the years, the annual drive had been saddled with misconception that it was being forced on the employees by "the man". In turn, the non-profit agency was also seen in a negative light – even a sighting of their logo could cause a collective groan at staff meetings.

With this in mind, my team set out to build a visual campaign that presented itself as being more of a "movement of the people" than a typical corporate campaign. And within that movement lived the idea of "investmentality" – a new way to consider how what we invested our time in could do to enrich the lives of others.

The "1" visual became a flexible vehicle to illustrate the idea of the collective power that we have when one individual joins with another, or when just one hour of your time is spent serving, or what $1 can do when it's added to another and another, and so on and so on.

To strengthen the feeling of a movement, we avoided using the corporate logo and the agency logo until the kickoff event. Deceitful? Nah. Effective? Yes.



internal corporate campaign for annual fundraiser
