A visual timeline
This project is a visual timeline. This could have taken many forms, but for my event, my engagement story or proposal story, took place in venice so I thought it would be fun to tell in the form of a map. The twist of the project was that we couldn't actually reference any sort of "time" (minutes, seconds, etc.) but rather we had to find other ways to measure the time.
My proposal story took place in Venice, Italy while I was studying abroad in the fall of 2005. It was romantic and unexpected with two very different sides of the story. In my visual timeline I display both my husband's and my heart rates (the main form of measurement) as well as number of bridges we went over. Also included on the timeline are comments being said (both mine and my husband's), thoughts being thought (again, both mine and my husband's), stops we made along the way, kisses and their intensity as well as a few other details during the eventful night.
This is the project where I discovered how much I love craft and working with my hands. Working on the computer is great, but I've really enjoyed this project where I had to saw down the dowels, drill in the end pieces, hand sew the ends and put it all together. I was really excited with the end result.
Back of the timeline is a map of venice. I found an interesting old map and decided to play with it and make it my own.
This is the inside of the map, the actual timeline. It's difficult to see, but trust me there's a few good laughs to be had while reading through it!
Visual Timeline


Visual Timeline

Second semester final project, a visual timeline without referencing "time".
