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Tequila-Shochu Packaging Concept

The next product on the line up of conceptual brand Alcentro Padentro. This time the product is a tequila-based Blue Agave Shochu. Mezcal—including tequila—follow very similar processes as shochu production. The characteristic flavor of agave is reflected in the name of this shochu: 地花 ‘Chika’ which loosely means ‘flower of the earth’ or ‘blossom of the earth’. As a different product in the Japanese market, I wanted it to feel grounded in the Mexican tradition of tequilas, yet feel familiar within the shochu semi-premium category. 
Tequila-Shochu Packaging Concept

Tequila-Shochu Packaging Concept

The next product on the line up of conceptual brand Alcentro Padentro. This time the product is a tequila-based Blue Agave Shochu. Mezcal—includi 阅读更多内容
