At the end of my final semester at Artevelde UC, the students of my class all took part in the Pro Carton Young Designers Awards. This one of Europe’s leading annual young talent competitions for packaging design. It also plays a pioneering role in promoting sustainability as it focuses exclusively on cartonboard design.

Entries can be submitted across these categories:

Creative Cartonboard Packaging: Eat & Drink: The focus lies on cartonboard as the most sustainable food and beverages packaging material and its recyclability.

Creative Cartonboard Packaging: All other: This category focuses on using the most sustainable packaging material for non-food packaging.

Creative Cartonboard Ideas: A category in which cartonboard ideas can go outside of
the packaging market.

Save the PlanetEvery minute a truck load of plastics is dumped in the ocean. This category belongs to ideas as to how cartonboard can reduce or replace plastic and help us save the planet!


The father of a friend of mine has a passion for wine and recently decided to make his own wine from home as an amateur winegrower. He grows grapes in his front yard, which he then transforms into wine through vinification. Finally, he bottles the wine in used bottles to give it as a gift to friends & family.

After bottling his first wine, he came to me with the request to design labels. In this way he wanted his wine to look professional and exclusive. He gave me carte blanche for the design, but some standard data had to be on the label (eg. year, grape, domain, wine name).

I thought it would be a good idea to apply the school assignment to this, so I decided to make cardboard labels.
I came up with my very own concept to attach the cardboard to the bottle. After this I started working on the design of the packaging.

There is room on the label to enter the wine characteristics yourself. For example, you can enter whether it is white wine, red wine or rosé. You can indicate how many cl the bottle contains (not all bottles are the same size). There are also a number of characteristics listed that you can cross out so that the description fits your wine perfectly. The label can therefore be used for any wine, in any recycled wine bottle.
You can indicate which characteristics belong to the wine you made
D.I.WINE - Packaging


D.I.WINE - Packaging

Cardboard label design for recycled wine bottles.
