Perfil de Dvein -

Audible | I am what I hear #2
More films of our ongoing campaign with Audible Germany.

We directed this incredible project and worked together with the great people at Kolle Rebbe and with the help of Tempomedia on the production. It couldn't have been possible without the help of the amazing Glassworks Barcelona, that helped us in creating the "world" for each of the characters and Banjo Soundscapes that gave all of it a beautiful soundtrack.


Directed by Dvein
Cinematography: Jose Luis Bernal
Postproduction: Glassworks Barcelona
Music & Sound design: Banjo Music

Agency: Kolle-Rebbe
Creative Director: Andreas Brunsch
Production company: Tempomedia
Executive Producer: Vera Portz
Producer: Gunnar Meyer
Audible | I am what I hear #2
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Audible | I am what I hear #2

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