11M is an independent UK production about the Madrid attacks of 2004.
The documentary looks into the build-up to the attacks and the reasons behind them, what happened on the day and the consequences.
It also has a close and intimate look into the experience of the victims and the social division that followed.
The factual narrative is based on the investigation by Fernando Reinares, the official investigation and the judiciary process as well as contributions by experts, academics and journalists. 
Five years in the making, we have conducted over 170 interviews with victims –some of which we have followed to their countries of origin–, members of the emergency services, academics, experts and journalists. The narrative has left out any political ideology around the events.

Some of the contributors are Fernando Reinares (Elcano Institute), Peter Neumann (Kings College London), Bertie Ahern (former Irish Prime Minister and President of the European Commission), Bruce Hoffman (Georgetown University), Katya Adler (BBC European Editor), Paul Nassar (NBC Europe), Jose Antonio Zarzalejos (former director ABC newspaper), Iñaki Gabilondo (Cadena SER), Lorenzo Milá (TVE), Duncan Gardhan, Magistrates from the case Javier Gómez Bermúdez and Juan del Olmo, Prosecutors Olga Sánchez and Javier Zaragoza, Baltasar Garzón, Manuel R Torres, Raffaello Pantucci (King’s College London), Lorenzo Vidino (George Wahington University), Inocencio Arias (Spanish ambassador at the United Nations ), Javier Rupérez (Spanish ambassador in Washington) Sir Richard J. Evans (Cambridge University), Dr Usama Hasan (Head of Islamic Studies at Quilliam International), Security services members Rafael Gómez Menor, Jesús Sánchez Manzano, Diego Lozano and Mariano Rayón amongst others.  
The film is directed by Jose Gomez and produced by Alberto García, Sara Cano & Tom Farley for Villa Lunera Films, Rogue Films and Pipa Films. With the support of the AVT (Asociación de Víctimas del Terrorismo), Asociación 11-M Afectados Terrorismo, the AV11M (Asociación de ayuda a las víctimas del 11M) and the UFV (Francisco de Vitoria University).
Gracias por la oportunidad de hacerme participe de este proyecto.


Intervención mixmedia para el proyecto 11M donde represento el impacto que para mí ha tenido el atentado en Madrid del 11 de Marzo de 2004. Se tr Read More
