WEIDOE GROUP is a catering brand. Most of the brands operated by the group are mainly Hong Kong catering. The corporate culture of the group emphasizes professionalism, vitality, innovation and flexible working attitude. "Flexibility" represents the corporate culture of the WEIDOE GROUP, which is striving for change and innovation. WEIDOE GROUP’s corporate culture is to adapt the most appropriate method to adjust to various situations at any time.

The design of the logo features the circular representation of the plate, combined with chopsticks as the main element, symbolising Chinese dining. On the other hand, the chopsticks shape W&D, as an abbreviation of the WEIDOE Group and rendered them more plump and flexible. With clear yellow and blue colors, the overall design is simple and generous, and we aim to reveal, by our design, the WEIDOE GROUP will be a vibrant and innovative restaurant group.

緯豆集團(WEIDOE GROUP)是一家經營餐飲品牌的集團,由藝人阿緯(劉峻緯)所創立,而集團所經營的品牌,以港式餐飲為主,旗下品牌包含點點心、陳興發興記菜館、太興等。緯豆集團的企業文化,強調專業、活力、創新,並且有彈性的工作態度。「彈性」對緯豆集團而言,代表的是力求變化、不守舊,隨時因應更種狀況來調整最合適的方法的企業文化。
                                     DESIGN BY TU DESIGN OFFICE


WEIDOE GROUP is a catering brand. Most of the brands operated by the group are mainly Hong Kong catering. The corporate culture of the group emph Read More
