Профиль Atipus Barcelona

La Manual Alpargatera


La Manual Alpargatera

Barcelona is a city that blends history and tradition with the contemporary in a very particular way. La Manual Alpargatera fully embodies that spirit — the 80-year-old espadrille business has had its workshop (and shop) at the heart of the El Gótic neighbourhood since 1941, but some aspects were lacking from its clients’ perception.

Knowing this, we approached La Manual’s identity determined to rediscover its original spirit combining its heritage and contemporaneity, using two elements: its logotype, inspired by stationery pieces found in the workshop’s archive and its “voice” creating an expert tone of its craftsman persona.

Working on its photography, we sought to connect the art direction with Barcelona through its culture, art, people, and craftsmanship. 

Finally, for their new website we worked on offering an experience inspired by its workshop spirit, translating it into a digital environment and reflecting its creative vibrancy, humanity, craftsmanship, and history whilst providing an authentic and helpful user experience. 

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La Manual Alpargatera

La Manual Alpargatera
