It's always a great satisfaction when you are able to touch the fruit of your work, even if you are mainly engaged in the design, visualization and engineering process, which is what happens before (and which indeed makes it possible) the creation of a new shop. In a difficult world as the current one of the interior design, in which the figure of the designer, the mind and the heart of the project, paradoxically becomes increasingly marginal because he is the weakest link from a commercial point of view (in other words the only variable cost which could be drastically lowered) I think it's priceless if you are so lucky of working in a team of professionals who help you enhancing your talent and if you receive positive feedbacks directly from clients who are excited about how your team has worked. This is also a nice incentive to go on like this.
Project realized in collaboration with and for Equipe S.r.l.
Leggi una grande soddisfazione anche sul mio blog.
A great satisfaction

A great satisfaction

a project I did in collaboration with and for Equipe S.r.l.
