Grains in the images aren't from renders but added in post
Rock Arch
The very first and succesful God Ray render from Vue. 
The text added was just to add a little more element to the image, without which I felt that the image was too bland. Arch created with Hyper Terrain in Vue, colour graded on Photoshop
Cold Nights​
Version 01

Inspired by a Photograph I found on the web, I created this image on Vue. though I did not re-create the image, the light spill was ocmpletely inspired from it. The rocks are created using hyper terrain and main moutain and ground with procedural terrain.
Cold Nights​
Version 02
Cold Nights
Version 03
More blurred and few experiments with look and blend modes!

Cold Nights - Cropped (middle)
When I initially overlayed a textured paper over the Raw Render from Vue, it looked silly. Then I printed out the cropped render on the textured paper, scanned and slightly color corrected it, was happy with how it looked.
Cold Nights - Cropped 02 (middle)
Cold Nights - Cropped 03 (left)
This time the blur was created with Photoshop CS6's new tilt shift blur filter
Cold Nights - Cropped 04 (middle)
Cold Nights - Cropped 02 (right)
Rock Arch God Rays
I really wanted to accentuate the volumetric sunrays more than what I got from the render, hence the over-bright light. The blur agian was created with tilt shift in Photoshop CS6
God Rays
Colour Version 01

Taking inspirartion from one of my photograph that had god rays and light falling on the ground, I simulated this simple environment with basic grass. Heavy Cumulus used for clouds, which did cause render time to be slightly higher. Graded in Speed Grade CS6, with presets.
God Rays
Colour Version 02
Same as above, colour graded on Speed Grade CS6 presets
God Rays
Colour Version 03
Colour graded completely with Photoshop adjustment layers, mainly with PhotoFilters

God Rays
Colour Version 03
God Rays
Colour Version 04
Flora on Tracks
(with God Rays)
I know the train track isn’t properly visible in this render because of God Rays (there is a render without it), I wanted to see the render time of God Rays on dense foliage. The poly-count for this scene was insanely high because of ecosystems used on sleepers of the track (more clearly visible on other render), but Vue seems to take such punishments. Eco-Systems were mostly hand painted and placed. The train tracks was modeled in Maya, shaded inside Vue.
The Western Ghats
Warmer Tone
Yet again, one of my tests for God Rays. This time through massive mountain range. The inspiration for this was from my photograph with sun rising and mountain facing me was in shadows. God Rays was my addition to the image. Simple scene set up in terms of Vue, a normal terrain with eco system and volumetric sun. Colour graded in Speed Grade & Photoshop.
The Western Ghats
Cooler Tone
The intial render was more of a cool tone, very less grading was applied to this image
Fooling around with HELVATICA and masks on Photoshop!!
Thank You for stopping by :)
Vue + VRAY + PFX

Vue + VRAY + PFX

Primarily I am into texture painting and lighting. Simulating environments is one of my favorite diversions from what I usually do. Vue seemed to Read More
