3 Car Garage with Second Story - Home Addition
When I bought my home in Leawood, I dreamed of designing and building an addition into the rear of the huge lot.  Using my background in product design and the tools I've learned over the years, I was able to provide general plans to an architect which were used to speed the process and take a lot of the guess-work out of his time.  The below elevations were used to get city/HOA approval.  The end result was slightly different due to unforseen challenges which arose along the way with city requirements and the normal on-the-fly changes needed when adding on to an older home.  Phase 1 is complete - the big addition.  Phase 2 is in progress - the old two car garage conversion into the master suite.  Phase 3 will begin in 2020 - front elevation enhancement and circle drive.
Home Addition
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Home Addition

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