Profil appartenant à Sam Chivers

Selected projects spring 2019
Eroica Hispania in La Rioja​​​​​​​

Knowable Magazine

This illustration is about how micro doses of Ketamin can treat clinical depression.
It's also one of my rare outings into the world of making Gifs which is always quite good fun.
Check the full article here
Deloitte Insights - Designing Future Government Jobs
A vision for how to optimize human and technological potential.

Child Care Coordinator
Criminal Redirection Officer
Economic Officer
Foreign Service Political Officer 
Garrison Commander
Mobility Platform Officer
Public Health and Safety Guardian
Talent Cloud Coordinator
FS Focus - No Deal Brexit
Pretty much the most contentious issue here in the UK at the moment. This article looked at the myriad of possible implications the UK would face  leaving the European Union without any pre-agreed deal. 
Selected projects spring 2019
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Selected projects spring 2019

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