"TRAM!" is a picture book coming out in May 2019 for Lavieri Edizioni.
Noises, trails, wires, crossroads, connections, clouds and deep space: "TRAM!"  is the journey of a streetcar through the city and through imagination. It is an ode to public transport, and also an invitation for children and adults to dream about a more sustainable, democratic and romantic public space. 
For the release of the book, we crafted a set of handmade screenprints to be given away in selected occasion presentations.
"TRAM!" was previewed at 2019 Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino and will officially hit the libraries on May 31st 2019.
(You can also get it on Amazon)

Concept: Ilaria Cairoli, Alberto Casagrande
Illustrations: Alberto Casagrande
Text: Ilaria Cairoli
Book design: Alberto Casagrande, Marcello Buonomo
Edited by: Marcello Buonomo, Biagio Russo
The book and the screeprints
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Head on Insta for more doodles, prints and illos.
Get the book here.
Also check my website.



A picture book: a streetcar journey through the city and imagination.
