E  D  I  T  O  R  I  A  L

Art is as much a matter of response as it is stimuli: a duality that becomes especially palpable in consideration of works that address challenging topics like religion or the environment. Apperception usually takes on a more pointed quality with these kinds of images as they are meant to draw our attention to proximal real-life issues that often elicit contentious emotional and ntellectual reactions outside of such treatment.

While I’ve not received many requests for this type of work, I always jump at the offer as these assignments often yield perspectives and information I had not previously considered. They also demand a level of awareness and empathy that is uncommon to consumer product-driven efforts.

That is, it’s one thing to sell designer clothing to a wealthy target audience, but quite another to market the plight of impoverished and overtaxed factory workers who assemble these goods to every demographic. Here, the appeal to broad virtue—and not the capacity of one’s wallet—is the currency and measure of impactful gains. This is where an image plays a secondary role to the emotions it precipitates, and becomes all-the-more memorable—and important—for it.

To view these images complete with titles and descriptions, please visit FORCE TEN DESIGN.




Images created as cover art for publications and prospective advertisements.
