Buy My Pad / Branding

Buy My Pad is a national estate agency and property development company based in Glasgow, 
focused on sales and business management. Their aim is to create a complete and user friendly 
system for clients and partners. 
They asked to help them in creating a brand that reflects this mission. The goal is to create 
an easily applicable logo which combines shapes related to estate business. We used the familiar 
shape of a home and signboard to finally blend it with crafted typography to create outstanding mark. 
BMP hited up to do an overhaul to their stationery. The project is created using my Stationery Mockup.  ​​​​​​​

That's my exploration for a simple sign-up landing page. I was also commissioned by Aaviz studio 
to create sets for a still life shoot. I decided to use wooden boxy surfaces that would create sharp 
and graphic highlights and shadows, which reminds the view of a big ​​​​​​​cities. 

Buy My Pad / Branding