Packaging | Coffee is a fruit

Coffee is a fruit

Only honest baristas make the perfect coffee. For these great guys, we have created a packaging design and polygraphy.
The chain of coffee houses and shops who use their own roasted coffee beans. They are located in Saratov, Krasnodar and Nizhny Novgorod. The brand concept is based on a professional approach to business: everything is matter from the water preparation to the selection of the best coffee beans.
Our team have developed brand packaging design and polygraphy that reflect the warm and cozy atmosphere of this place and show their gorgeous and charismatic baristas. Each of them became the star of a coffee pack. We have got kind, self-talking labels that reflect the idea of the coffee shop: to be honest and open.

Client: Coffee shop Coffee is a fruit
Task: Development of branded labels for packs

Packaging | Coffee is a fruit

Packaging | Coffee is a fruit

Only honest baristas make the perfect coffee. For these great guys, we have created a packaging design and polygraphy
