It’s a Match
Modified mini-football table
50 cm x 23 cm x 21 cm
Height x width x depth
21 x 23 x 50

This object is an intervened mini-football table. All the figurines of players have been replaced by screenshots of Tinder profiles. The men on one team are wearing football T-shirts, and the men on the other team are shirtless: thus the teams are “shirts vs. skins”. It is one in a series of works using screenshots from Tinder, the notorious hook-up and dating app. This work is meant to humorously reflect on online dating culture, as a space where consumerism meets the ludic. These works, a series of games made from categorised Tinder screenshots, are a reflection on the various acts of self-promotion and self-censorship people make when engaging with social media.
It's a Match!

It's a Match!


Creative Fields