Harikrishnan Panicker 的个人资料

Bordobello (AIGA Colorado Fundraiser)

We were approached by the lovely folks over at AIGA Colorado to brand and design the look and identity for the much awaited Bordo Bello 2011, and we were really excited to take up the challenge. Bordo Bello is a Skateborad Art Fundraiser where artists all around the country and in this chapter around the world contribute with customized skate decks which are then auctioned to raise money for AIGA Colorado’s mentorship opportunities. This includes VSA Colorado/Access Gallery, Robert Taylor AIGA Colorado Scholarship fund, as well as the development of new programming (to be rolled out in 2012).

The theme was a throwback theme on the 80's and we decided to create branding and characters based on the 80's sci-fi craze with a floating skate park planet and characters with fun retro colors and hairdo's.

For more information: Bordo Bello 2011

Credits : Harikrishnan Panicker and Deepti Nair
Bordobello Final Logo
Character Design for the event. 
Bordobello Color Poster
Bordobello Two Color Letter Press Poster
Icon Design 
Bordobello (AIGA Colorado Fundraiser)

Bordobello (AIGA Colorado Fundraiser)

Bordobello AIGA Colorado Branding & Design
