Cash For Trash's profile

Collection After Colors a/w 2013,14

Designers: Tijana and Mila Popovic
Sisters, Tijana  and  Mila Popović  graduated MSc in graphic design in Novi Sad, Serbia at the Faculty of Technical Sciences. They have spent years to promote eco-design in Balkan region through all aspects of applied art. They have been professionally engaged in fashion design since 2006, when they presented their first collection “Cash for Trash” at the Belgrade Fashion Week. The collection was created as a parody of consumers, overproduction, consumerism and global fashion trends. Until now twice have had shows in London. The first time in the 2010 on the Alternative Fashion Week, and the following year at the official London Fashion Week, presented their collection with 3 designers in the beautiful setting of the famous London Design Museum. They took part in London Design Week, and then had exhibitions in Barcelona, Rome, Paris, Amsterdam and Valencia. Collections have been represented many times at the Belgrade Fashion Week, Fashion Week in Skopje, Brighton and fashion shows in Novi Sad. The organizers and creators of RE/8 Design Park, first eco-design week event in Europe, which has been held for 2 years held in Novi Sad, in several locations.
Tijana and Mila Popovic, designers 
Collection  „After Colors“  Fall / Winter 2013/14 is dark and raw, apocalyptic, nihilistic. Collection talks about growing up. Mental, emotional, psychological, social growing up. Seeking answers to the question - what happens after colors, after childhood, after life, after the world? The whole concept is based on the deconstruction and recycling. The collection consists of clothing resulted from the deconstruction of form and use of recycling waste materials and materials in view of modern garments. With analysis of anti form and achromatic tone values created a collection dominated by dark tones, black with some bronze, maroon-purple, royal blue and bursts of golden. Materials used are heavy: leather, rubber, PVC, plastic with a lot of chains, rivets, buckles, metal details that dominate the collection. This collection had a premiere  on  Drap Art Festival `12  in Barcelona in October 2012.

Photo Boris Lukić
Models Tamara Miličević and Marija Mandić
Make up Danijela Čiček


Tijana and Mila Popovic


Collection After Colors a/w 2013,14

Collection After Colors a/w 2013,14

Collection „After Colors“ Fall / Winter 2013/14 is dark and raw, apocalyptic, nihilistic. Collection talks about growing up. Mental, emotional, p Read More
