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UNESCO: Online report on education

Providing data to ensure quality education and lifelong learning for all.

New online report for UNESCO and their Global education monitoring report 2019. Proposal

Credits: Concept & Design: Iván Aguado. Client: UNESCO. Agency: Elkanodata.


The GEM Report evaluates the role of accountability in global education systems: ensuring inclusive, equitable and good-quality education and lifelong learning for all.

UNESCO is one of the most relevant agencies for United Nations, being the leading organization that promotes education, science and culture in the world.

Elkanodata was in charge of creating an online report with insightful data visualizations to portray the education statistics throughout the world. This is a powerful report from UNESCO and will be the data reference for all media and institutions worldwide.


Our creative drive was to use colour and typography to create engagement with the viewer. As a serious and valuable report, our intentions were to create data storytelling by treating data as engaging, inspirational and clear.

Fast menu.

We have created a fast interactive menu where you can navigate through the "Development goals".

Thx for scrolling!
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UNESCO: Online report on education
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UNESCO: Online report on education

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