Profil von Juan Manuel Franco

Anarco Pink Transmedia Game

Anarko Pink is transmedia project composed by 3 products. A videogame, an augmented reality fanzine and a web serie. I was in charge of the game, which is a narrative-Platform-Mobile game.
Anarco Pink Trasmedia project Trailer
I was in charge of:
Technical development in Unity Engine:
• Implemented all the sprites and UI in the engine
• Implemented sound and scripted events of sound
• Implemented all animations of the game
• Programmed all mechanics, dinamics, events, UI and systems
• Builded a prototype version of the first level of the game for Android
• Built the level design and placed all the colliders

Game/Level Design:
• Created the game concept, game rules, goals and game mechanics.
• Designed the gameplay and the Demo level ​​​​​​​
• Directed and managed the art & sound team.
I had to make all kind of decisions about Game Design, Sound Design, Animation and Art
Gameplay video
Is about the evolution of punk as a movement in Bogotá, Colombia. We approach it in 3 different moments of history: The beginning of punk, the moment when people idealize punk as a bad thing and lastly the renaissance of punk in the future.​​​​​​​
Role:  Game director, Game designer, Game producer, Programmer and UX designer
For:  Advanced class of Interactive Narratives
Type:  Transmedia - Mobile Game - Augmented Reality - Fanzine - Webserie
Software:  Unity3D, Illustrator, Photoshop, Reason
Platforms:  Android
Release date:  May 2018
Anarco Pink Transmedia Game

Anarco Pink Transmedia Game
