Kevin Pietersen

It's 2018. The world’s last male northern white rhino has died in Kenya, and Kevin Pietersen is taking up the fight to save endangered animals from extinction.
How do you rebrand a cricket legend as a conservation hero?
A man with a mission
From test cricketer and Captain of England to conservation warrior - not your usual career move. But Kevin Pietersen is anything but conventional. Passionate, opinionated, unapologetic – you either love him or hate him. So when he came to us for a ‘brand’ refresh to spearhead his new mission, it was a cause and challenge we couldn’t refuse.

Our response is a personal brand that's authentic and generates awareness on the world stage. That taps into his past fame without limiting his future endeavours. That shifts focus to the cause beyond the man. That unites people behind someone who often divided so many.
Making his mark

To help distance the man from the brand, we separated the K from KP. The dismembered upper arm signifies the slaughtering rhinos just to remove and sell their horns. While the upward motion of the arrow shape points to a higher cause and the promise of a safer future.
Keeping it young
Teaching kids about conservation is key to Kevin Pietersen’s vision of a brighter future for our animal kingdom. So the K mark needed to stretch from harder hitting comms into less confronting spaces.
Framing the bigger picture
The same pointless slaughter and cruelty suffered by rhinos is brought to bear on other animals by hunters and poachers. The dismembered K is symbolic of this appalling waste of life, and frames the need to protect all creatures in their native habitats.
Kevin Pietersen