Dreamy, playfull and content-free.
Luftikus is a unique 3D game installation which enables the player to blow digital soap bubbles into an imaginary world. It takes skill and curiosity to create a soap bubble and send it on the desired path into the 3D world. However, when the bubble hits specific objects, hidden stories are revealed and the player can discover the mysteries of the wondrous island. A 3D tracking system and a wind-sensor enable a intuitive gameplay and help to create a novel and fanciful experience, complemented by stunning 3D graphics and sound effects. 
Project: 3D Game Design, Media and Interaction Design FH Joanneum
Credits: Graf Daniela, Haas Emanuel, Kampitsch Matthias, Röhm Jürgen, Schrack Maria, Wieshofer Ursula
Sound: The Bottom (Machinarium Soundrack by Tomáš Dvořák)
Luftikus 3D Game

Luftikus 3D Game

3D Game Design with Unity 3D, Polhemus Tracker, Blow Sensor, Arduino and Cinema 4D.
