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Guide to Museums in the UAE

Recognising Emirate's NBD long association with the country and trusted reputation, we created a sponsored article on more than 40 museums in the UAE. The article also coincided with the recent opening of Dubai's 25,000 sq m Etihad Museum, so the topic was timely. Acknowledging the brand's modern approach to convenient consumer banking, we took a responsive multimedia approach to the content, with 360 interactive photography, slideshows and maps adding depth to the stories.

All the museums were sectioned alphabetically and the navigation by Emirate. The landing page starts with a pick for the top12 museums in UAE according to Gulf News.

The content effectively engaged the audience, with users staying on the page for 2:59 minutes on average. With more than 25,000 page views and 22,360 unique views, including 42 per cent of audience coming from mobile, we successfully generated interest in the article. We also promoted the article on social to Gulf News' 675k Twitter followers and on Facebook, where it was shared more than 100 times. With 42 per cent of GulfNews.com readership aged between 25 and 34 and 36 per cent of the audience professionals, we were able to capture the attention of a key demographic for our client.

 Your Ultimate Guide to Museums in the UAE was the first project made by REACH, which is the branded content team from Gulf News Media.

The project was completely responsive.
Louvre Abu Dhabi
An Example:
Guide to Museums in the UAE